Crystal Chamber Boss Guide

Giant Chandelier


This boss introduces a unique mechanic compared to other bosses in campaign, and that is priority targeting. Crystal chamber has an attack that always targets the target with the current highest ATK. This accounts for any buffs that are applied on characters during battle.

There is also another mechanic in where the commander can choose between two circles to destroy occasionally throughout the battle, choosing between a permanent ATK buff, and a hit-count projectile that can cause massive damage to the team.

Destroying either sides of Crystal chamber will deal 30x health bars of HP so destroying these as often as possible is optimal. The boss does not have any core, so fully focusing on the boss parts will not net you any potential damage loss at all.


Crystal chamber has a very simple attack set, however some attacks can be threatening if not dealt with properly.


The boss occasionally fires ST beams that deal decent damage, these will always target the highest ATK Nikke, unless the boss is taunted. The damage can easily be covered.


These crystals can be fatal if all the crystals target a single Nikke. However, most of these crystals can be partially i-framed. The Nikke needs to be shooting while the crystals start “targeting” a Nikke, if the Nikke is reloading during targeting, I-framing will most likely not work and will simply hit your Nikke/Cover, so RNG is also a factor due to ammo consumption and etc are not consistent.

The crystals can also be destroyed by AoE attacks/bursts, and are relatively squishy. Destroying these crystals are a safer alternative to i-framing.

Note: I-framing these attacks will still hit cover even when successfully I-framed. A successful I-frame is indicated by the projectiles missing the Nikke’s position/head.

QTE Choices

There are two QTE outcomes, hitting the right side will spawn a giant crystal ball that most likely won’t be destroyed unless there are MG Nikkes in the team. Hitting the left side will proc a huge 30% permanent ATK debuff, however this can be cleansed.

The crystal ball can be i-framed by Certain Nikkes, and works similarly to crystal Iframing, Targeted Nikke needs to be firing at the time of launch to be able to i-frame the ball. The Crystal ball ignores + damages cover and HP, so covering normally is not recommended.

AoE Attack

After either of the QTE attacks are finished, one of the boss’s parts will dig itself in front of the Commander, and will deal a substantial amount of damage if it is not destroyed in time. The damage can be fully covered if the Commander fails to destroy the part in time.

If there are no parts prior to this move, the boss will regenerate parts and will proceed its attack as normal. If the Commander has no cover, the player can destroy one part and dwindle the HP of the other part to be able to destroy it immediately when it digs in front of you.

Shield + Timed QTE

After 2 QTE prompts, the boss will spawn a shield that negates all damage except for ZEUS (Electric) element Nikkes. So bringing one is very recommended to simply breakthrough circles. The circles arn’t too terribly tanky, and can be broken by supports if CP deficient isn’t that high.

Failing this QTE will hurt the team severely, but can be survived if the team is tanky enough. Saving full burst is recommended here if able to, as the next move will be a QTE check. Not being in full burst will drastically waste time. However, Having a rocket launcher in the team would make this “mistake” a lot more forgiving.

Time Leak because of not being in full burst during QTE phase

Phase 2

Nothing really changes, just a cutscene change, and the boss will rotate between his moves, nothing too special to note here.

Team Comps

The Commander is heavily recommended to bring one ZEUS element character to get through its shield QTE. However, not mandatory if the Commander can survive the nuke. It is recommended to have a designated healer/Taunter as the boss does hammer down the Nikke with the highest ATK. Relying on RNG targeting is not optional.

ZEUS Nikkes

Usable (Not all) Zeus Nikkes that can be used to break through QTE shield

Naga,Anis: Sparkling Summer,Scarlet,Noise,Guillotine,Mast,Biscuit,Moran,Privaty: Unkind Maid,Elegg,Maiden,Harran,Quency

Tia / Naga Team


Despite having no core, Tia and Naga teams still have higher DPS buffing capabilities than the bunnies. Naga is also electric, reducing the hassle of bringing a may be unwanted Electric DPS

Moran Team


Team that focuses on Having Guillotine to always have low health, greatly increasing her ATK. Moran’s taunt does not have full uptime, and manual i-framing, covering for Guillotine and Moran will most likely be needed

  • Liter replacements – Volume, Dorothy, Mica: Snow buddy (Pair with Dolla)
  • Novel replacements – Mast, Admi, Elegg, Ade (Debuff Cleanse)

Noise Team


Similar to Moran team, however much easier to use / more forgiving. Use your two best Attackers (Preferably Attackers with Pierce). You’d use this team instead of Moran if the Commander does have much better DPS options than Guillotine

  • Replacements – Similar to Moran Team

Biscuit Team

Dorothy,Biscuit,Anis: Sparkling Summer,Elegg,Privaty

Team focuses on a lot of synergetic buffs. Life steal (via Biscuit), Cover rebuild, ATK and reload speed buffs. Unfortunately Anis: Sparkling summer is required for this team to function, or the teams DPS would quickly fall apart.

  • Elegg Replacements – Solo Naga, Novel, Mast, Ade (Debuff cleanse)

Helm Healing


Classic old boss team before Duos ran rampant. Manual play with Scarlet is recommended as she’d be targeted all the time by Crystal Chamber’s lasers.

  • Novel replacements – Mast, Admi, Elegg, Ade (Debuff Cleanse)
  • Helm replacement – Quiry

Bunny Team

The usual Liter, Blanc, Noir team. Just add an electric DPS, and your preferred DPS. Premium


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Valkkin has been an avid gamer ever since birth. Writing nerdy and light-hearted guides while despising math. Support his work on Ko-fi!

Articles: 343

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